Dreambox 7000 - Hints and Tips v.3


Q. DREAMBOX has an Ethernet port. What does it do as standard?

A. A couple of things:

  • TELNET server. You can telnet into the box if you want to control Linux directly. default username=root, password=dreambox.
    Note: To change the root password, just telnet in and use the unix "passwd" command. In images from June 2003 onwards, this command writes back to the flash memory so the command will last until the next flash erase, not just the next reboot ;-)
  • FTP server. You can FTP into the box if you want to send files to or from the DREAMBOX flash "disk" (and hard disk if fitted). default username=root, password=dreambox.
  • SAMBA server. You can access the DREAMBOX flash "disk" (and hard disk if fitted) from a Windows PC using the standard file sharing in the Windows file explorer. (open \\ or whatever)
  • WEB server. Open up a web browser to (or whatever address you've given your Dreambox) and follow the prompts. It's a little incomplete so far, but already you can get status from the box, and listen to an audio stream as MP2 (click on "apid" in top right hand corner). Interestingly, you can listen to a different radio station over TCP/IP to that which is playing on the box itself! But, of course the radio stations must be on the same transponder mux.
  • NFS client. Dreambox contains an NFS client, which lets you "mount" remote disk drives if you have an NFS server somewhere on your local area network. This allows hard disk recording without the noise of a hard disk in your living room! More about NFS later...
  • Firmware Updates. e.g. with DreamUp and DreamUpLAN (see download links on my Dreambox links page).
  • Audio/Video Streaming. There are lots of links on this on the Internet (see Links on my Dreambox links page). VLC (VideoLanClient) lets you watch satellite TV over the LAN at your computer. It may also be possible to watch multi-region DVDs on your TV, accessed from a networked drive over NFS, but some work would be needed to confirm this ;-)
  • Backup/Restore. See below.

R/C Navigation Hints

A couple of remote control functions seem a bit non-obvious, but are quite useful...

  • When watching TV or Radio, you can press any of the keys at bottom left - "TV", "RADIO", "TEXT" to bring up the list of TV channels, RADIO channels and DISK RECORDINGS.
  • Provided that "Other bouquet selection keys" is NOT ticked in "Settings/Remote Control Setup", then whenever a channel list is displayed:
    • BLUE toggles between USER/FAVOURITES and the full list.
    • GREEN toggles between a channel list display that is 1, 2 or 3 columns wide.
    • RED allows a channel to be deleted, or added to one of your FAVOURITES categories.
  • When scanning transponders, you may notice that Astra 2x @ 28.2E and Eurobird @ 28.5E are listed as seperate satellites, but you can include them both in your satellite list, giving them the same DiSeqC LNB number.

Backup/Restore HOWTO

Q. How can we guard against the possibility that the DREAMBOX memory becomes corrupted, destroying our favourite settings?

A1. This post by Basix appeared recently on SatCity:

   Making a Backup of every setting on the dreambox (incl. firmware)

telnet to the box and write the following command after loggin in:

cat /dev/mtd/3 > /var/tmp/backup.img

you can download this image to your pc, so you can always switch back to this backup image.

how to switch back:
first ftp the file to the dreambox in /var/tmp/
then telnet to the box and use following commands:

cd /var/tmp
eraseall /dev/mtd/3 && cp backup.img /dev/mtd/3
A2. This SatCity post by EvilBOFH suggests a less drastic approach...
	good directories to backup


usally good too


good files to backup


and if you like me and like to change anything I can...


NFS remote disk HOWTO

Q. How can I get Dreambox to use a remote NFS hard drive? This could be better than buying an IDE hard disk and installing it inside DREAMBOX, because it would avoid the noise of a hard disk in the living room.

A. I think this may be supported out-of-the-box with the latest firmware (see Setup / Expert Settings).

For older firmware versions, you need to start the network and mount the NFS drive onto "/hdd". This needs to happen before Enigma is started. Normally, the network is started after Enigma, so you need to bring it up early with ifconfig. Also, please note that directory /hdd/movie must exist on the mounted volume, otherwise the hard-disk-related functions won't work properly.

Warning! The first time you select "DREAM"/"Folder" to see the recordings, dreambox may hang. To prevent this: first save a few seconds of audio or video (press VIDEO then RECORD button). Stop the recording and, when prompted, press the button to view the list of recordings. I think this creates the recording index file recordings.epl. Anyhow, it won't crash once you've done that.

For DREAMBOX images before June 2003, you need to edit /var/tuxbox/start_enigma.

For DREAMBOX images after June 2003, the /var/tuxbox/start_enigma script is no longer used. Instead, if you look at /etc/init.d/rcS you can see how startup works now. So, if you want to customize startup, from June 2003 onwards you need to create a shell script called /var/etc/init .

Here is my copy of /var/etc/init :


# first start the Ethernet interface
# (Otherwise enigma will start it itself, but too late)
# NOTE: Remove "mtu 1400" if your network runs with normal MTU (1500).
ifconfig eth0 netmask mtu 1400 up
sleep 5

# mount the NFS drive to /hdd
mount -t nfs -o wsize=4096,rsize=4096,nolock /hdd
sleep 5

# ** make sure movie directory exists, otherwise enigma HDD features fail **
# NOTE: Selecting "DREAM"/"Folder" will CRASH unless you first make one recording!
mkdir /hdd/movie

# set UK timezone
export TZ=GMT0BST,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.3/3

# shut down unwanted network services (give them a chance to start first)
(sleep 60; killall -9 smbd)&
(sleep 90; killall -9 nmbd)&

# Think about starting NTPD here, as the box has no non-volatile clock
# so otherwise we depend on transponder time.

# Start enigma from the flash memory...

# or, start enigma from the hard disk...
# (this file fires up enigma in a chroot jail so that everything
# happens from the disk, not the flash memory)
# /var/tuxbox/start_new_enigma

# remove .enimga file used by /etc/init.d/rcS
rm /tmp/.enimga

# if enigma crashes on boot, we want a few minutes to get in with telnet and fix it.
sleep 120

# reboot so that timed recordings still happen if process crashes
For some reason, you need to do a *cold* boot for this to take effect (see below).

Cold Boot HOWTO

Q. I changed something. Now DREAMBOX won't reboot... Help!

A1. If the problem is minor, you can make DREAMBOX do a cold boot by holding in all three buttons on the front panel until it shows signs of life (Orange display lights up).

A2. If you can TELNET to Dreambox but the TV GUI doesn't run... Check that the NFS mount (or HDD drive) is working. Try deleting /hdd/movie/recordings.epl (which may be corrupt). You might want to move any valued recordings to /hdd/movie.old (say). Then reboot.

A3. If the problem is really bad (failed firmware update), first you should try holding all three buttons in until "FLASH ERASE" appears. That has always worked for me, but apparently it can sometimes fail. If the bootloader is malfunctioning it's not possible to re-program the dreambox by serial or network. If it's a software problem only, apparently it's possible to program the flash by using the Jtag interface (inside the dreambox). Try looking at the Dream Multimedia website, or the messageboards for more info.

CVS Source Build HOWTO

Q. "Use the source, Luke!". How can I do that?

A. Not for the faint-hearted, or those who pay by the minute for internet access...

UPDATE: The hints below are incomplete and out-of-date. I did get the source to build but it didn't run. I suggest you use this as a starting point, but Google for the latest info.

I assume you have Linux on your PC, right? OK, so first we must use CVS to fetch the latest source from the developer's configuration control archive in Germany. For CVS to work through a firewall, you might have to open up TCP port 2401 outbound.

		mkdir $HOME/tuxbox-cvs
cd $HOME/tuxbox-cvs

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.tuxbox.org:/cvs/tuxbox login
(when prompted for a password, just hit Enter/Return)

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.tuxbox.org:/cvs/tuxbox -z9 co -r rel_1_0_0 .
The CVS fetch will take at least an hour on a dialup connection. By the way, the "space dot" at the end is required!!
NOTE! The CVS repository URL has changed! It's no longer on BerlioS.

You may at this point want to check the installation notes the source tree, as it will tell you what the pre-requisite tools are (see $HOME/tuxbox-cvs/cdk/doc/INSTALL.en or INSTALL.de). My RedHat 9.0 system seemed to have them all anyway.

Now for the hard part! Actually building it...
		mkdir $HOME/dbox2
cd $HOME/tuxbox-cvs/cdk
./configure --prefix=$HOME/dbox2 --with-cvsdir=$HOME/tuxbox-cvs --enable-maintainer-mode
make all extra
This will take several hours the first time, even on a fast Pentium 4, as it has to download and build the cross-compilation toolkit before it can actually start building things.

NOTE: if your firewall does not allow outbound passive FTP, you will need to edit $HOME/tuxbox-cvs/cdk/rules-archive.pl and rub out the "--passive-ftp" switch.

If you don't have linux then you might want to follow these hints for building a virtual linux PC inside Windows. click here but really I think if you're that interested, then you should install the latest SUSE Linux as a dual-boot option on your Windows PC.

To update your CVS tree later on, change into $HOME/tuxbox-cvs and utter:

		cvs -z9 update -dP 
Then change into the cdk subdirectory, and repeat the autogen, configure and make all commands.

To test your new image, it's probably safer to run from an IDE or NFS disk rather than flashing code into memory straight away. http://dreambox.gamesquad.nl/nw_enigma.html describes the process. You should go to gamesquad.nl and read that page! But I will quote his description here, just in case that page vanishes:-

   Bij following this procedure it is possible to run a newer version of enigma with ORIGINAL images.
I have tested this with release 1.02 and beta1.04a images. This procedure assumes that you are
using /hdd/new_root for installation directory.

* Download script prepare.sh. and ftp to /hdd/tmp. The purpose of this script is to
simplify the installation of the new enigma. You only need to run this scripts once.
If you later on download a newer enigma you can just unpack it over the old one.
The script prepare.sh does the following:
o copy /bin /sbin /lib /etc /var to /hdd/new_root.
o Create startup script for starting new enigma: /var/tuxbox/start_new_enigma
* Run script
o sh /var/tmp/prepare.sh
* Download latest enigma and ftp to /var/tmp
* unpack enigma_date_.tar.gz in /hdd/new_root
o cd /hdd/new_root
o gzip -dc /var/tmp/enigma_date_.tar.gz | tar xf -
* replace in /var/tuxbox/start_enigma the line
o /bin/enigma
* by
o /var/tuxbox/start_new_enigma

That is all, you only need to reboot. Do you want, at a later time, to run a newer
enigma you don't need to run prepare.sh just do the unpack commands.

I made a safty fallback into my start_new_enigma script. If enigma crashes within
2 minutes, my script will wait a while before doing the /sbin/halt.
So it is possible in the case that enigma crashes to change the
/var/tuxbox/start_enigma script again to the original state via telnet.
To make sure that you can telnet to your DB I suggest to configure the network
interface before starting enigma. This can be done by adding the following
line in start_enigma before starting enigma:

/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask up

Don't forget to replace IP and Netmask with your values.

Note: this is not quite true for images later than June 2003. The file /var/tuxbox/start_enigma is no longer called by default. Startup now uses /etc/init.d/rcS which in turn calls /var/etc/init (if you create it).

Script prepare.sh does this:
	#! /bin/sh

[ -z "$NEW_ROOT" ] && NEW_ROOT=/hdd/new_root

[ -d "$NEW_ROOT" ] && {
echo "Directory: $NEW_ROOT bestaat al, exit"
exit 1

mkdir -p $NEW_ROOT || {
echo "Cannot create directory: $NEW_ROOT"
exit 1

mkdir -p $NEW_ROOT/dev
mkdir -p $NEW_ROOT/proc
mkdir -p $NEW_ROOT/hdd/movie
mkdir -p $NEW_ROOT/share/locale

cd / && tar cf - bin sbin etc lib var | ( cd $NEW_ROOT && tar xpf - )
cp /share/locale/locales $NEW_ROOT/share/locale/locales
grep ^catalog /.version >$NEW_ROOT/.version

cat <<END >/var/tuxbox/start_new_enigma
#! /bin/sh

touch /var/tmp/wait
( sleep 120 ; rm -f /var/tmp/wait ) &

[ -d $NEW_ROOT/proc -a ! -r $NEW_ROOT/proc/1 ] && mount -t proc $NEW_ROOT/proc $NEW_ROOT/proc
[ -d $NEW_ROOT/dev -a ! -r $NEW_ROOT/dev/zero ] && mount -t devfs $NEW_ROOT/dev $NEW_ROOT/dev


[ -x "$NEW_ROOT/bin/chroot" ] && $NEW_ROOT/bin/chroot $NEW_ROOT /bin/enigma

umount $NEW_ROOT/proc
umount $NEW_ROOT/dev

while [ -f /var/tmp/wait ]
echo "Waiting for /var/tmp/wait to dissapear"
sleep 1


chmod +x /var/tuxbox/start_new_enigma

Dreambox 7000 - Hints and Tips V.2


Q. What can DREAMBOX do?

A. This is an open-ended question, and personally I have not had time to do more than scratch the surface of the capabilities of this box. The short answer is that it depends how much time and interest you have in finding things out, and whether you enjoy using software that's a little bit "beta" (not completely finished). But as standard (straight out of the box) the DREAMBOX supports:

  • DiSeqC switches (up to 4 ways), and DiSeqC motorised dishes
  • Auto set-up: Automatic scanning of satellites. You tell it which satellite(s) you can receive, then ENIGMA scans all the known transponder frequencies on each satellite. The transponder info comes from an XML file that can be updated when things change - or you can manually specify a transponder frequency to scan. This makes for fast, easy initial set-up. There is also a good display of Signal Strength (SNR), AGC level and BER (bit error rate) which is very helpful for aligning your dish. That said, the box occasionally hangs and needs to be rebooted if it doesn't see a signal for a long time. The current software can be told to store only FTA channels, so that you don't clutter up your channel list with useless pay-channels.
  • Fast channel changing, with good EPG support. Very impressive speed. You can view the channels in various ways (by satellite, by bouquet, by name, by favourite categories). The EPG support looks comprehensive, though as usual it depends how much info the broadcaster sends - and the German channels are much better than the UK channels in this regard.
  • Record (and/or Pause) Live TV and Radio. While watching or listening, press VIDEO to toggle the recording menu buttons on and off. Quick and easy, full quality recordings are made to the hard disk or to the NFS share.
  • Timed Recordings. Select "DREAM/Timer" to set up a schedule of recordings of TV or radio. Recordings can be browsed by selecting "DREAM/File Mode". (Hint: press RED key to delete a recording).
  • Network streaming - facilities are provided to stream audio and video to and from an Ethernet network, and to control the box remotely (currently a bit incomplete).
  • Remote administration - The DREAMBOX may be configured over the Ethernet from your PC, if you look for the right software. This is a convenient way to perform updates etc.
  • Sky Digital TV - I have not confirmed this myself, but apparently there is a "Softcam" for Dreambox which allows you to watch pay-channels from Sky Digital UK provided that you have a valid Sky viewing card for the channels you wish to watch. This has the potential to be a real competitor to Sky's own Sky+ PVR. The official Sky+ box may have a better EPG, but then it attracts a premium monthly fee on top of the pay-TV fees. The snag with the Softcam is that it isn't authorised by NDS, so it isn't in the official Dreambox images. The world-of-digital.com forums may have the info needed to get this working, but this is underground software, so you might not want it running on your home LAN. I am a little suspicious of software that can only be had from password-protected forums.
Q. What can't DREAMBOX do?

A. Well DREAMBOX is very powerful, but it does not have infinite amounts of CPU and RAM resources - that's why it's a small cheap box that doesn't need a fan.
  • X-Windows applications - DREAMBOX does not run XFree86 as standard. Maybe it would work, but I think X would really need more RAM, and a faster CPU. If I understand it correctly, Enigma provides a lightweight GUI API targetted for cheap hardware like set-top boxes, and the actual display drawing takes place through the Linux Framebuffer graphics drivers, not through X.
  • Internet access - DREAMBOX could be used as an internet access device. Some software can even update the DREAMBOX automatically from the internet. But, I think it is not helpful to use the DREAMBOX for web browsing or writing email (we have PCs and laptops for that). OK, you can probably find mail and web programs for DREAMBOX, but with only 64 MBytes of RAM it might cause problems, and of course the CPU also has to be used to process broadcast programme content. But I may be proved wrong! Maybe a small web browser will work OK with the IR keyboard that is about to appear - who knows, perhaps 64 MBytes is still enough for a cut-down Linux version: just because Windows XP likes 256 MBytes, that's no reason why Linux needs to be so bloated! Still, I guess lack of "X" means no Mozilla.
  • Bugs. These are early days, so don't buy this box if you aren't happy to put up with a few glitches while the software development continues. The most annoying bug found so far is that browsing the list of recordings hangs the box unless you've made at least one recording since the movie directory was initialised. Perhaps this doesn't apply with an internal hard disk, but it does seem to be the case with an NFS network share (see NFS section below). Also on one occasion, the Dreambox would not boot for some reason (vertical stripes on the splash screen), and only repeated three-finger salutes brought it back to life (hold down all three buttons for a cold reboot).
    With the official firmware 1.07.1, I saw badly stuttering playback of video recordings. The problem was cured by setting NFS to UDP mode, with rsize and wsize parameters set to 4096 and rebooting (see NFS section below). Note that mounting NFS in TCP mode can cause very long delays at boot time (several minutes) after a reboot. I suspect this is due to the NFS server (at least with FreeBSD) ignoring unexpected TCP sequence numbers until a timeout has expired: the source port number will be the same on each boot, which probably confuses the server.

Dreambox 7000 - Hints and Tips


Q. What do you get in a DM7000?

A. For full info you can go to the official site but to summarise:

  • DVB Satellite tuner. (In future, you may be able to buy Cable and DTT versions too, but the mainboard does not seem to have front-end module slots, so my guess is Cable and DTT will need their own motherboards. So you would need two Dreamboxes to get DVB and DTT, for example.)
  • Loop-through connectors for LNB and SCART. This makes it easy to start using the DREAMBOX before you're ready to disconnect your old receiver. The SCART loopthrough may also help if your TV does not have enough SCARTs for all the devices you have. (WARNING: I have not yet succeeded in getting the LNB loop-through to work!! It seems that the loop-through is just a "T" connection; that is, only one receiver may be switched on a time. For some setups it might be better to use an external satellite signal switchbox e.g. from Global Communications.)
  • PowerPC CPU with 64 MByte RAM. The RAM does not look expandable, so 64 is the max.
  • Hardware MPEG decoder.
  • 10/100 Ethernet port.
  • Cables/brackets for IDE hard disk. NB there is NO HARD DISK as standard - you need to add one if you want to use the PVR timeshift functions (timed recordings from radio and TV), unless you use a remote hard disk shared via the Ethernet network with NFS. If you buy an internal hard disk, choose one which is quiet, and doesn't take too much power. For Dreambox, 5400 RPM is better than 7200 RPM, and < 500 mA of power from 5V and 12V is best. Interface is IDE ATA 66, max capacity supported is 120 GBytes.
  • USB port
  • SPDIF audio output as well as analog (phono sockets). AC3 support is included.
  • RS232 9-pin serial port.
  • Intelligent Remote Control. This can control your TV as well as the Dreambox.


Q. What are Enigma, Traveller, Dr. Matrix etc?

A. Enigma is the standard firmware that comes in the box when you buy it from the shop. Enigma is open-source, so you can take the latest source-code from CVS on the internet, and cross-compile it on your PC (see later). The Enigma code is also known as "tuxbox" and runs on other platforms too, such as "dbox2". The "tuxbox" code is under rapid development at the moment; the CVS version changes almost every day. From time to time, the Dream Multimedia team identify a stable version, and release a binary image on their website, which can be downloaded quite simply and flashed into your dreambox. But of course if you like, you can build the latest CVS version for yourself (again, see later).

Quite often, expert coders such as Traveller and Dr. MatriX will take the latest CVS of Enigma, add their own special features, and then release a special binary image that you can flash into your dreambox in place of the official Dream Multimedia image. Some of the special updates from these guys are bugfixes; some are new features which are not yet stable enough to go into the main CVS source tree. Some authors also include "Emu's" - Emulations of smartcard systems (subscriber viewing cards) which make it possible to view encrypted satellite channels if you have access to valid key files. Using key files to gain unauthorised access to pay channels is against the law: it's not a grey area any more, even for foreign channels which won't sell you a genuine viewing card, so for legal reasons I will not discuss this aspect any further. Please, DO NOT SEND ME EMAIL asking questions about Emu's and Keys - I do not know, and in any case I will not answer any questions about pay-TV piracy! I recommend that you steer clear of piracy, as the law is now very clear on the subject, and copyright owners are willing and able to sue for huge damages if they catch you.

Topfield TF 7700 HD PVR - ohne HDD

Topfield TF 7700 HD PVR - ohne HDD
ArtNo.: 1507
Der Topfield HD PVR Receiver. Per Knopfdruck wird die aktuelle Fernsehsendung in SD- oder hochauflösender Qualität aufgezeichnet und auf der bis zu 750 GB-Festplatten der Marke Seagate ACE.

4 Jahre Garantie auf das Gerät.

Technische Daten:

  • Receiverart: HDTV MPEG 2 + 4
  • 2x CI Schacht
  • Festplatten von 160 bis 750 GB der Marke Seagate ACE
  • Gleichzeitiges Abspielen von einer Sendung über HDMI, YPbPr oder Scart
  • Anschlüsse: HDMI (HDCP), YPbPr, 2 Scart, S/PDIF, RCA
  • RS232 Schnittstelle
  • Full Picture in Graphic (PIG) Funktion
  • Formatauflösung: 1080i, 720p, 576p
  • SAT- Durchschleifausgang
  • Unterstützung des Jugendschutzes
  • Sendersortierung numerisch, alphabetisch, nach TV/Radio,
  • 30 Favoritenlisten
  • 5000 Senderspeicher
  • Bildformat: 4:3 und 16:9
  • erweiterte EPG
  • Maße: 430 x 262 x 60 mm
  • Erweiterte Informationsanzeige mit ausführlichen Programminformationen
  • Updatebar über Satellit und Internet per USB
  • optischer Dolby Digital Ausgang
  • DiseqC 1.0, 1.2, USALS,
    testeo.de - Topfield TF7700HD PVR

    Technische Daten
    Anschlussart SAT 
    Speicherplätze 5000 
    Anzahl CI Slots
    HDTV fähig
    Festplattengröße 160 
    Audio Anschlüsse Audio Dekodierung MPEG 1/2, Layer 1/2 
    Anzahl Scart
    Video Anschlüsse HDMI/YPbPr/YUV  
    Anzahl USB
    Datenblatt Download
  • Advice , dreambox 600 pvr , for a novice practices to play ,

    1. the way , format HD dreambox 600 pvr
    menu>setup>ok>system settings>ok>harddisc setup>ok , already show , haddisc , upward press , ok , 1 time then press red then press green , then press green one 1 for a moment again , do something , format , until go up the word that ,  , successfully formated you disk , then press green again look fruitful , exit , ( yes sir ) , only , orderly ( yes sir ) ,

    2 the way , record , channel list down , HD , in , dreambox
    close channel list has that to want then press , video , at oval 2 watermelons time , then press , radio ( , the Neptune has will red dot stays below ) , already , do something , record , down , HD , in case of do something , reccord , stay will can not change the channel but , still can see , epg , or , a program is show that , now have what is channel list ? stay and the time how much by press , the arrowhead points down the location under a button , ok>info>channel epg>ok , if , want to stop channel list at , reccord , stay press , radio 1 , time then choose , stop reccord now , then press , ok , already television monitor will show that ,  , recording finshed , and , show recorded movie , press , yes , or , green button then to have channel list upwards , and the time but [ T letter ] ,  , record ,

    if , want to see channel list at , record , in , hdd , press , menu , choose , file mode , press , ok , already give intimidate an arrow down ( , under a button , ok) , press green for see the list like [ model ] , each type , and if , press yellow , play , like [ model ] ,  , auto , until end the everyone with regard to have in , hdd , advise a button is usable differ , differ , in the video in , play HD ,

    1- red button is walk to go backwards
    2- green button is , play
    3- yellow button is pause
    4- black button , be stop play , under television button below
    5- last button blue left-hand is advance ,

    3. standing oval the watermelon press , up-dow , for , channel change goes up or , down ,
    menu , choose , setup ok , choose , expert setup ok , choose , remote control ok , choose , classic neutrino , already press green for record only a button , up-down , as a result , change the channel ( yes sir ) ,

    4. standing , dreambox , give show list channel data is both of Thai , and , eng ,
    standing show the list is both of , thai , and , eng , use with , dreambox , every the generation please ( yes sir ) , the first step presses blue choose , system infos , press , ok , choose , user script , press , ok , choose , thaiinfo , press , ok , already press green for the alms works ,

    The way records ,DM600 PVR, DM7020si

    DM600 PVR, DM7020si

                     1. add , HDD , follow the size that specify in each the generation , such as , IDE HDD , 2.5'' sizes for the generation , DM600 PVR , part , IDE HDD , 3.5'' sizes for the generation , DM7020si , by see the way adds from press handbook comes to give , should add with the carefulness , for , protect , HDD , be damaged

                     2. in installation for the first time must do something , Format , that , HDD , before , as follows , press , Menu> Setup> System Settings> Harddisc Setup> format> yes> yes> , then press , Exit , come out , but , something , format , will make the data that exist in , HDD , (ed minus,erase ) disappear ,

                     3. the way records , as follows
    3.1 choose list channel that want to record 3.2 press , button , Video , will have all arrow upwards
    3.3 press , at have red dot , be , button , Radio , have , the word is that ,  , REC , blink , between record , can see , list other channel , at same frequency has
    3.4 if , want to stop , press , at the square , be , button , TV
    3.5 , if , want to see the list that record to keep give , press , ok , immediately [ Ok ] ,

                     4. the way sees a picture that s record to keep , press , Menu> Files Mode> , press , + , that Bouquet , as a result , have , the list that show to keep , you , can , flow see the list that want immediately [ Ok ] , by while , see that , can , choose play , in all format , such as , hurry a picture , , be retrospective , , stop , or ,  ,

                     5. other if , want to ( minus,erase ) , the list that record to keep , press , Menu> Files Mode> , press , + , that Bouquet , then press at , Menu , move come to at , Delete , press , OK , press , Yes ,

                     6. the way sets the time , for record , as follows , press , Menu > Timer > add
    6.1 , the line uppermost , be , name , the list that want , ( , stand or get , )
    6.2 , heading , Repeated timer , for you who want , record , while , want , repeatedly , such as , everyday Sunday , by can fix while , want to record , and , end get
    6.3 the heading , Nothing , mean , when ,  , stand record already , you want to , stay in which position , between , Standby , or ,  , Shutdown , if , do not want , as a result , choose , Nothing
    6.4 , choose while , want , such as , year , , , month , , , day , and the time , by at [row] on for at , begin record , the part will at [row] below for at , end recording , when , choose then press , apply ,

                     7. the way sees location time list s record to keep , give , do same way with 4

                     8. was if , want , ( minus,erase ) location time list keeps , press , Menu > Timer > , already can , choose , ( minus,erase ) , go out , (Remove) , in the some people with regard to don't want , or ,  , wash go out all , (Cleanup) , all right ,

                 9. when ,  , the list was washed from , a menu sets the time , but ,  , still , be in , the list is recording to keep , if , want , ( minus,erase ) all be finished , give use same way with 5. was ,

    request be lucky ,

    The Dreambox 7020-Si 400Gb PVR receiver.

    The Dreambox 7020-Si 400Gb
    PVR receiver.

    Dreambox 7000

    Embedded "Dragon" type CAM
    Built in cool running high quality specially configured 400 Gb hard drive
    The Satellite Superstore offers this excellent receiver with our own specially selected 400Gb
    hard drive for massive recording capacity.
    The special 400 Gb AV hard drive features,
    Specially selected cool running AV model.
    The embedded hard drive is not a computer drive and cannot be bought from computer stores
    or on-line computer suppliers. It is an AV drive developed for digital AV recording
    applications. These drives are normally only supplied to the big manufacturers of
    DVD writers, digital VCRs, satellite receiver PVRs, security digital time shift recorders etc.
    These drives have been specially designed for AV use offering cool running high video
    recording performance and as such tend to be a little more expensive than computer
    "data recording" hard drives. The problem with normal computer (data) drives is that
    they can pixillate or produce freezing while playback, or fail completely
    resulting in valuable recordings are lost! or produce too much heat.
    These excellent AV drives are inside all of our Dreambox 7020-Si PVRs that we sell and as
    such are thoroughly tried and tested and sold in large numbers without any problems at all.
    Unlimitted channel lists. Full spec. below.
    Comprehensive computer connection facilities. Full details below.

    Dreambox display Dreambox display

    Dreambox back Dreambox back

    The 7020 has a superb alphanumeric front display. Very few receivers (if any) have a great display like this.
    This receiver is for people with strong IT skills. You will love it or hate it.
    You will either find it too complicated, or, if you have good IT skills,
    you will probably think it is the best receiver in the world.
    This receiver should be connected to a router as part of a broadband family internet network.
    This receiver has it's own IP address and behaves in a similar way to a computer in your network
    If you want a complete system based on this receiver, add the dish kit of your choice.
    There are many dish kits, 60cm, 80cm, 90cm, Astra and Hotbird, Astra 1, 2, and Hotbird, transparent dishes,
    all of these are lower down the page below the receivers. Add a dish kit of your choice.
    Free mainland UK delivery on this receiver.
    Choose the free delivery option.

    (Shipping to offshore islands are normally ฃ19.95 but this is discounted to ฃ5.00 with this product.)
    International. Choose the international option.
    Availability : In stock and ready for immediate shipping

    PRICE: 399$

    The Dreambox DM 600PVR-S receiver.

    The Dreambox DM 600PVR-S receiver.

    Dreambox 600-S

    NEW - The worlds smallest digital Linux set-top box with "Plug&Play" Tuner and PVR support
    250 MHz IBM PowerPC Processor, Linux Operating System. 1 x Smartcard-Reader,
    IDE Interface with support for 2.5" hard drive in any capacity
    Single "Plug&Play" Tuner, DVB-S fitted as standard, DVB-C or DVB-T options
    RS232 Interface, 10/100Mbit compatible Ethernet Interface, 2 LED status
    Unlimited channel lists for TV/Radio, channel change time less than 1 second
    Full automatic service scan, supports direct bouquet lists, EPG, videotext, DiSEqC
    AC-3, 1 x Scart, Universal high power mains PSU and full size remote handset included
    A very small compact receiver. Low price. Great value. Hard drive ready.
    This receiver should be connected to a router as part of a broadband family internet network.
    This receiver has it's own IP address and behaves in a similar way to a computer in your network
    This small unit takes a mobile (2.5) PATA hard drive. We offer this model with a 120Gb
    hard drive inside. This is a cool running AV (audio video) drive and works great for recording programs
    The drive is also available separely below.
    If you want a complete system based on this receiver, add the dish kit of your choice.
    There are many dish kits, 60cm, 80cm, 90cm, Astra and Hotbird, Astra 1, 2, and Hotbird, transparent dishes,
    all of these are lower down the page below the receivers. Add a dish kit of your choice.
    Free mainland UK delivery on this receiver.
    Choose the free delivery option.

    (Shipping to offshore islands are normally ฃ19.95 but this is discounted to ฃ10.00 with this product.)

    PRICE : 199$

    Vantage HD8000 S PVR Twin ready - ohne Festplatte

    HDTV-PVR Receiver

    Der HD 8000 verfügt laut Hersteller über 2x DVB-S2-Tuner (Twin), 2x CI-Slot für Pay-TV-Module, 1x HDMI-Anschluss, 1x Komponenten-Anschluss, 2x SCART, 3x USB 2.0-Anschluss (2x Slave 1x Master), 1x LAN-/Ethernet-Anschluss (10/100 MBit), 1x RS-232, 1x S-Video

    Technische Daten

    Für den Juni 2008 kündigt Vantage Digital einen weiteren HDTV-Receiver und PVR (Personal Video Recorder) an. Eine Variante für Sat-TV und Kabel-TV wird wieder angeboten, wie schon beim HD 7100. Der neue Vantage HD8000 wird mit einem Twintuner ausgestattet sein. Mit den beiden HDTV-Tunern wird die gleichzeitige Aufnahme und Wiedergabe von HDTV-Sendern problemlos sein.

    Als Clou besitzt der HD8000 als erster HDTV-Receiver überhaupt, einen Hardware-Blindscanner. Mit dem Blindscanner ist es möglich, spezielle Sat-Feeds, die meist nur kurze Zeit aufgeschaltet sind, aufzuspüren. Über die per Hardware gesteuerte Blindscan-Funktion ist auch ein erheblich schnellerer Suchlauf gegenüber einem Software-Blindscanner gegeben. Für den Sat-Freak und DX-Fan mit HDTV-Interesse ein interessantes Feature.

    Gegenüber dem HD7100 besitzt der HD8000 einen Programmspeicher für TV und Radio von 20.000 Speicherplätzen, 9 Favoriten-Listen mit je 400 Programmen, 20 Aufnahme-Timer mit 20 Ereignissen.
    Die Sensor-Tastenbedienung an der Front leuchtet chic in rot oder blau.

    An Anschlüssen bietet der HD8000:
    2x DVB-S2-Tuner (Twin), 2x CI-Slot für Pay-TV-Module, 1x HDMI-Anschluss, 1x Komponenten-Anschluss, 2x SCART, 3x USB 2.0-Anschluss (2x Slave 1x Master), 1x LAN-/Ethernet-Anschluss (10/100 MBit), 1x RS-232, 1x S-Video, analoge RCA-Cinch-Anschlüsse für Audio und Video, digitale Audio-Ausgänge 1x S/PDIF (Toslink) und 1x digitaler Koaxial-Audio.

    Ein weiterer Pluspunkt sind die drei USB-Anschlüsse Version 2.0. Ein USB-Anschluss sitzt praktisch für schnelle Software-Updates oder die Wiedergabe von Dateien (z.B. MP3, JPEG) auf USB-Sticks an der Frontseite und noch zwei weitere auf der Rückseite. Das ist aber nicht alles, denn zwei davon (1x vorne und 1x hinten) sind für externe USB-Datenträger, aber ein USB-Anschluss (hinten zusätzlich) dient als Master-Anschluss (Host) und zur Datenübertragung zum PC.

  • Display Farbe Blau
  • DVB-S / DVB-S2
  • MPEG-2 / MPEG-4 AVC / H.264
  • 2x DVB-S2-Tuner (Twin)
  • 1x HDMI 1.2
  • 1x Komponenten-Video (YPbPr)
  • 1x S/PDIF Dolby Digital
  • 1x RS-232
  • 1x RCA Video
  • 1x RCA Audio
  • 2x Sat-Antenne (in/out)
  • 3x USB 2.0
  • 1x Ethernet
  • 2x CI-Slot für Pay-TV
  • 2x Smartcard-Reader für: Conax, Xcrypt, Crypton, DGCrypt integriert
  • 1x SATA Anschluss intern
  • MP3-Musik-Player (optional)
  • USB-Digital-Kamera-Support
  • Dot Matrix VF Display
  • PVR ready - Aufnahme auf USB-HDD / eSATA
  • USB 2.0 für PVR-Funktion
  • USB 1.0 für Software-Update, JPEG-Diashow, MP3-Playback
  • Ethernet für IP-Kameras, AV-Streaming zum PC, AV-Streaming zu einer Vantage-Box (Multiroom)
  • Netzschalter
  • Sensor-Buttons an der Front
  • Time-Shift-Funktion
  • Bild-in-Bild (PIP)
  • Service und Sender-Favoriten voll editierbar
  • DVB-C, DVB-S, Combo DVB-S / DVB-T, Combo DVB-S / DVB-C
  • OSD wird wie bei Vantage-Receivern, jedoch in True Color und True Type
  • 20.000 Programme
  • 1080i, 720p, 576p und 576i (SCART)
  • DiSEqC 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 USALS
  • SCR-Einkabelsystem Unicable
  • System: Echtzeitsystem (Realtime) OS21

  • Technische Daten
    Anschlussart Sat HDTV 
    Speicherplätze 20000 
    Anzahl CI Slots
    HDTV fähig
    Audio Anschlüsse Audio Dekodierung MPEG 1/2, Layer 1/2 
    Video Anschlüsse HDMI/YPbPr/YUV  

    Dreambox : How to

    Dreambox : How To by KlonaDreambox : How to

    1 Introduction :

    For many years, I've been into TV broadcasting via satellite. I started out with analogue TV in D2MAC format. For a couple of years now, the satellite world has been changing and switching over to digital broadcasts in the DVB-S format. The first satellite receiver (Set top Boxes, AKA demod) generation had to be rented from satellite TV channel providers. Such hardware "featured" low quality components, with very slow zapping speed, quite ugly OSDs, no digital audio output, poor reception sensibility, low quality MPEG2 decoding and a locked firmware, that only your provider could update (whenever they felt like it). A few low priced digital receivers also appeared, but they were often not (entirely) compatible with the special services satellite TV providers offered (e.g. Electronic Program Guide AKA EPG, Pay Per View AKA PPV°etc.).

    The second generation of satellite receivers was equipment like the Xsat 310/410 and the Aston Xena series, which opened the door to the Of-The-Shelves Set Top Boxes (STB), independent from providers, compatible with official decryption cards. Such devices would allow you to reconfigure the position of each channel, manage favorites from your PC and even flash firmware with a serial cable.

    Today, we can get the 3rd generation of settop boxes. The Dreambox is one of the popular 3rd generation boxes. Based on a powerful IBM PowerPC (not PC !) with an MPEG1/2 hardware decoder, this box is FULLY open, with an open source Linux operating system. The Dreambox not only offers high quality video and audio, but also has a variety of connections to the outside world: Ethernet, USB, PS2, Compact Flash and two Smartcard readers. The box can handle any dish configuration, an unlimited number of channels or satellites, has a very fast channel scan, allows for direct digital recording, etc. To receive encrypted channels, you need the proper decryption card from the appropriate organization and a PCMCIA CAM which supports your card. Alternatively, you can load a firmware that enables the built-in smart card readers to handle your decryption card. As the Dreambox is more a computer than a consumer electronic device, it can hang some time and it takes a bit of time to learn how to use its full potential.

    Dreambox : How To by Klona

    1.1 Target audience of this tutorial

    The goal is to provide you with a guide to have your Dreambox fully running with a first software image, and set up multiboot, allowing you to test different software combinations. This includes a working network, and channel setup (both free to air and encrypted ones).

    1 Introduction :
    1.1 Target audience of this tutorial
    1.2 Equipment Needed

    2 : Installation
    2.1 Dish Positioning
    2.2 Satellite & Channel Configuration
    2.3 Network Configuration

    3 : Operational basics
    3.1 Basic Communications
    3.2 Editing channel lists and favorites
    3.3 Flashing an image

    4 : Multiboot from HDD or USB memory stick
    4.1 HDD multiboot setup
    4.2 USB memory stick multiboot setup
    4.3 Managing Images

    5 Image Example : MisterX installation
    5.1 Basics
    5.2 Emus
    5.3 Config Customizations

    6 Digital Video recording & Playing
    6.1 Recording on Dreambox' HDD or PC's HDD
    6.2 Playing back on PC
    6.3 Playing back on DVD Player
    6.4 Other Formats
    6.5 Broadcasting over the LAN
    6.6 Playing DivX and other formats on the Dreambox

    7 Conclusion
    7.1 Tips & tricks
    7.2 Final words

    Dreambox : How To by Klona

    1.2 Equipment Needed

    A Dreambox !

    The first Dreambox DM7000 revision suffered from several hardware problems, solved in the 2nd revision of the V1 (except for a limited power supply). The v2 is a modified V1 revision2 (2 extra capacitors have been added to the power supply). Both revisions have a blue LCD display.
    V3 has a new PCB that includes corrections for the power supply, plus perhaps other minor, undocumented changes. V3 has an Amber LCD and a serial number 3xxxxxxxx.
    I personally bought a box from a German site (Dreambox MK4) but cannot find any documentation about this version. It seems it just a revision 3 unit.

    - A Harddisk to integrate into the Dreambox : Not Mandatory. I personally have no disk. Harddisks create more noise and use more power. You can begin without a harddisk and buy one later anyway. Be aware though that you cannot use every type of disc.

    - A USB memory stick 128 Mb : Highly recommended if you have no harddisk, and mandatory to use this guide. I use a Dane-Elec one, USB2.0, which causes no major compatibility problems. Just be wary that several USB key have write protection turned on by default, and need to be unlocked under Windows with a special software provided by the manufacturer.

    - A Null modem serial cable is highly recommended. It allows you to still access the Dreambox if flashing fails or if you kill the network.
    You can buy such a cable at a store, or you can build one on your own. Use a good shielded cable that is not too long. The cable shouldn't be longer than 2 meters, recommended is 1 meter.

    - A PC with a 100 mbit/s Ethernet card. You can connect your PC directly to the Dreambox using a crossover Ethernet cable, or connect both PC and Dreambox to a hub/switch using regular Ethernet cables.

    2 : Installation

    2.1 Dish Positioning

    This step is only necessary if your satellite dish has not been set up yet. It is a quite involved procedure, so you might want to get somebody who has already installed a satellite system before to help you, or buy an installation and mounting package from the place you got your setup from. If you think you're up to doing it by yourself, here's how.

    2.2 Satellite & Channel Configuration

    I assume that your dish is now installed and working. At the first boot of your Dreambox, you have to choose your language, Time Zone and then your dish configuration: Basic (one LNB/One dish), Medium (several LNB/Dishes with DiseqC switching), or complex (a motorized unit). Then you need to add at least one satellite.

    Now it's time to scan at least one satellite for channels. The Dreambox has an impressively fast scan, based on a XML file containing all transponders available on the chose satellite. Keep in mind that it is normal if some transponders do not have any digital channels, as several are still used for analog broadcast, or temporary feeds. Press the blue button to access next page :

    Press the blue button, then select automatic scan, then the progress screen will be shown:

    2.3 Network Configuration

    Now, it's time to configure the network. Press the small dream Button on the remote, then select Setup - Expert Setup - Communication Setup.

    I suggest to use for the Dreambox as more and more OS images have this value built-in. Set the Gateway to the IP address of your local Internet gateway (usually if you have a router or do Internet connection sharing from your primary PC). Set the Netmask to Note that if you use a residential gateway (DLS or cable router), then your IP addresses will be in the 192.168.1.x range and you have to assign the appropriate IP to your Dreambox. The netmask stays the same, but the gateway will usually be

    The Name server to be used is the one you use for your PC, once connected to Internet.

    If you are currently not connected to the Internet, establish a connection now and then go to the Start Menu, select run, then type "command" for windows 98 computers and "cmd" for windows 2000 & XP. Then type "ipconfig /all" to get a listing of the configuration of all your network interfaces. Note the two DNS Servers as marked in the screenshot.

    Also, make sure that the IP address for your Ethernet card is in the same subnet (192.168.0.x) as the Dreambox and that other computers in your network can access the Internet. This requires either a hardware router (that's most definitely the best solution and also gives you some additional security), or an active Internet connection sharing (search google for more information on Internet Connection Sharing). Having done that, your Dreambox can now access the Internet to download updates. To check if everything is working properly, try pinging the Dreambox:

    If pinging (in this case your PC) does not work, your PC is not configured properly. If you have a software firewall running, try disabling it for a test, and make recheck your network settings. If pinging (your Dreambox) does not work even though your Dreambox is turned on and you've properly configured it, check the cabling.

    3 : Operational basics

    3.1 Basic Communications

    Once the network is all set up, we will initiate a and an ftp session. Telnet is the old fashioned way to access a remote computer. It only supports commandline applications. To establish a Telnet connection, go to the start menu, select run and type "telnet". When asked for a login, it's root and the password is Dreambox.

    To establish an FTP connection to your box, use your favorite FTP client or the commandline FTP Windows provides (it's the same procedure as with telnet, but instead of "telnet" you type "ftp". Both login and password are the same as for telnet).

    3.2 Editing channel lists and favorites

    It is now time to import the list of satellites and channels we have previously created. The best way to do this is using DreamboxEdit. Install this software and launch it. Then click on the FTP icon, and enter a directory to save your channels and favorites. Then click on Receive Files from Dreambox, and after a few seconds, all your channels are listed in DreamboxEdit. In the rightmost part of the window, you can create and sort your TV and radio favorites, and add channels by dragging and dropping selections from the leftmost part to the center partfrom. Sorting is available as well, by any criteria you like.

    To send your changes back to the Dreambox, click on the FTP icon, then click on send to Dreambox. After the upload is complete, click on reload settings on Dreambox, and all the changes will be visible on your Dreambox.

    To access your Favorites, just press the up or down arrow on the remote, then the blue button, then navigate and then OK. To move between channels of the selected User-bouquets, just press left or right. Here's an example of a list of favorites:

    3.3 Flashing an image

    It's time now to start working with "images". I refer to a piece of software that contains the operating system and applications to watch TV, record, etc. On other equipment (Divx standalone player, other set-top-boxes, DVD burner etc. ) we speak about firmware, but in the Dreambox world, the term image is commonly used. A Dreambox image contains the Linux operating system for the hardware, and applications to watch and record TV.

    You can download the latest official image from the Dreambox manufacturer website. The most recent version as this guide is written, is v1.07.4, and should your Dreambox have a lower version, you should definitely upgrade as the multiboot plugin 1.3b requires this version. To flash the image, you can use the dreamUp software (available from the manufacturer) using a serial cable(safe but slow), via LAN (not recommended) or using the root.cramfs method. The last method, the author's preferred one, involves uploading the image to the /tmp directory on your Dreambox via FTP, then rename it to root.cramfs, then go to the setup menu of your Dreambox, select Software Update, then manual update.

    Make sure you use the proper image, or you risk turning your Dreambox into electronic junk that has to be sent back to the manufacturer. To erase all personal settings of the previous image in the flash memory (don't do this when multi-booting from an USB stick), press the up and down buttons on the Dreambox when the boot logo is on screen. A "Flash erase" message will appear on the LCD, then the Dreambox will reboot. If your Dreambox should freeze during the process, press the 3 buttons on it to reset the device, or just remove the power cable.

    Now you're basically ready for recording. If you're interested in setting up a multiboot environment (to be able to switch from multiple firmware images), and see an example of a custom image installation, just follow the links in the text.

    6 Digital Video recording & playing back

    6.1 Recording on Dreambox' HDD or PC's HDD

    All you have to do to start recording is press the two buttons shown below:.

    In case you have the on screen display enabled, you'll see a flashing red case once the device is recording. When the device is recording, you can use the timeshift feature: Press the yellow button to pause playback (recording will continue), then press the green button to resume when you're back from making more popcorn (or whatever). However, the timeshift feature is not working perfectly yet. The author found the timeshift feature to be working properly on the Gutan fat image.

    To play back recorded streams, go the file mode, select your file and press OK to play it.

    6.2 Playing back on PC

    Installing the Elecard decoder should enable you to view the .TS files in your favorite media player. Alternatively, you can use VideoLAN. VideoLAN is really easy to use, stable and has no problems reading TS files.

    6.3 Playing back on DVD Player

    As digital TV uses the same compression format as DVD, what is more logical than to put your TV recording on a DVD? The process involves cutting out the commercials, and author a DVD. Doom9 has written a nice guide on the subject.

    6.4 Other Formats

    You can obviously convert your recordings into any other formats. If you want to create an SVCD I suggest Doom9's DVB to SVCD guide, for DivX/XviD conversions I suggest Doom9's DVB to DivX/XviD guide.

    6.5 Broadcasting over the LAN

    It is possible to broadcast video over the LAN using DreamTV. It is also possible to use VideoLAN or Wingrabber for this purpose. A guide on this subject is forthcoming.

    6.6 Playing DivX and other formats on the Dreambox

    The Dreambox hardware is not capable of handling more complex streams than MPEG-2. However, it is possible to have your PC do an on-the-fly DivX to MPEG-2 conversion and stream this to the Dreambox. This requires a powerful PC, and the quality will be sub-par as DivX to MPEG-2 conversion always results in a visible loss of quality.

    7 Conclusion

    7.1 Tips & tricks

    To reboot the Dreambox, press the 3 buttons on the front of your Dreambox.

    The Dreambox can play MP3 and Ogg Vorbis audio files, and create a slideshow from images located on the Dreambox harddisk, USB memory stick or Compact Flash cards. These plugins are available on many images through Internet download, directly from the Dreambox menu. If you put a CompactFlash card into the Dreambox, it will automatically be mounted as /hdd ont he boot time, so be careful when activating a swapfile.

    Pressing the blue button while watching TV will give you some information about the encryption used, and give you the option to choose the appropriate emu. Certain images will store the selected emu for each channel.

    If you point your webbrowser to the IP address of your Dreambox ( in our case), you can change channels remotely and access EPG.

    7.2 Final words

    Well, I spent quite a bit of time writing this all down and I hope you'll find this guide useful and easy to follow. I'd like to thank people who create Dreambox images like Gutan, RUdream, MisterX, SandBox, Hybrid, Hydra, NedKelly, SF team, DBF, Ahaustria, Neutrino, PeterPan and others. Thank you for making the Dreambox such a wonderful toy. Many thanks also to all EMU coders.

    I'd also like to encourage you to donate to people who provide tools for the Dreambox for free.

    Thanks to people of the Sat-Industry Forums and Dreambox Net Australia to help me getting started with the Dreambox.
    Congrats to the SandBox Team, who runs a French site & forum & created the great sandbox image.
    Special thanks to Doom9 to clean up my frenglish style and for his great reference site.


    Gemini 4.5

    am Wochenende wird es wieder ein Release der Gemini 4.5 Enigma1 Images geben.
    Es werden erstmal keine E2 Images kommen, soviel sei vorweg gesagt.
    Hier schon mal die wichtigsten Änderungen.

    * Einlesen der aufgenommen Filme bei jedem Menüaufruf oder nur einmal beim Start (BP->Extra->Aufnahme)
    * Aufnahme im neuen Enigma 2 Format (*.meta Dateien) oder wie bisher als "recordings.epl" (BP->Extra->Aufnahme)
    * BP-Hauptmenü umgestellt
    * zusätzliche Informationen jetzt unter Menü->Informtionen neue Optik
    * Geräte-Manager für HDD / DVD / CF / USB
    * Jukebox reaktiviert (auf Wunsch eines netten Users Augenzwinkern ) bitte als Addon nachinstallieren
    * Treiber für USB-Cardreader (Chipset FTDI und PL2303) jetzt im Image für USB-Boxen mit drin, werden aber nicht geladen!

    Fix + Update:
    * Dreamnetcast (gleichzeitig Fernsehen und Internetradio)
    * RSS-Reader
    * Wettervorschau (jetzt mit Favoriten-Verwaltung)
    * SWAP
    * User-Script
    * siehe CVS
    * BP-Wiki überarbeitet http://wiki.blue-panel.com/index.php/Das_Blue-Panel

    Wie immer werden die Images unter:


    abzurufen sein.

    Wir freuen uns auf dich!
    Dein Gemini / IhaD Team

    แชตออนไลน์ทันใจกับเพื่อนและครอบครัวของคุณ! Windows Live Messenger

    F.A.Q DreamBox #3

    21. Why does the program show TP connection error ?

    EROM Color = 4 : RED
    EROM CID = 52
    Hint : Now the probe might be disconnected
    Processing ...
    Error : Failed.

    There are several reasons for this trouble:

    1. The user has selected the wrong TP schematic.
    2. Mistakenly defined type of the chip substrate because the substrate leads got oxidized.
    3. A TP needle is too thick, so it touches the adjacent components or the ground (protective shield).
    4. Besides, such problem may be caused by the previous modification of the TP adapter: a 150 pF capacitor soldered into the TP-adapter to stabilize operation with the E-Gold platform may cause equipment errors while working with SonyEricsson models. Therefore, we recommend to remove the capacitor mentioned above (Note: the TP-adapter will not work properly with Siemens E-Gold models after removal of the capacitor).


    22. What is the normal duration of the TP1 and TP2 process?

    When you have touched the proper TP and the DBSS message prompts you to remove the needle, TP1 should finish within 7-10 sec. and TP2 – within 20-30 sec. If the process lasts too long – the only explanation is that the TP schematic was not selected properly or there are other problems (for details see Answer 21).


    23. Is it necessary to repeat the TP1 after the TP2 finished with error?

    No, it is not necessary if you have not disconnected the cable from the phone and have not powered the handset off.


    24. If the SecurityBypass procedure has been already performed in a phone, should it be repeated once more for this specific handset?

    No, there is no need to do this as the Security area of a certain phone remains accessible even after flashing this phone with full flash file from either the same or another handset.


    25. Is it necessary to flash the phone with the GDFS file backed up from another handset of the same model in order to restore it?

    It is necessary only if the phone was previously flashed with the GDFS file, backed up from the handset of a different model (e.g., GDFS from К610 was flashed into К800 phone). If the phone was just blocked «with five locks», the GDFS can be restored without writing the GDFS file from another phone.


    26. What is Unlock & Repair GDFS sec. Blocks option meant for?

    This procedure performs:

    • GDFS recalculation in the phone locked for 5 locks.
    • GDFS recalculation after processor replacing (either with the brand new processor or with the component taken from a "donor" handset).
    • Direct unlock of the phone.


    27. Why does the process hangs at 25% and shows Error when I try to turn the phone into the boot mode?

    It is obvious that phone's hardware is damaged. Most probably flash memory chip or processor are defective; the other reason may be cold solder joints under the components as a result of falling down or other damages.


    28. Can the cable for another similar device be used with the DreamBox?

    No, it cannot; SE cable schematic (pinout) is located at the product's official site.


    29. How should I work with the DB that does not support autodetect option and shows Error when the Start button is pressed?

    This problem happens because of unstable contact of TP-adapter needle with the TP. During the TP procedure it is important to hold the TP-adapter needle in contact with the TP WITHOUT BREAKAGE until the message: "Now the testpoint may be disconnected" is displayed. If you fail to perform this, an Error will appear. It is worth to remember another important thing: TP1 contact should be hold without breakage for 1-2 sec. and the TP2 – for 2-4 sec.


    30. After flashing with a Full Flash file, the phone is still not operating. What should I do?

    After writing a Full Flash file, backed up from another phone, a user has to perform the following steps:

    1. Perform Security Bypass procedure in TestPoint mode (if this procedure has been already performed for this handset, move straight to step "b")
    2. Perform Unlock & Repair GDFS sec. Blocks procedure in Security Bypass mode.
    3. Write Fota + Main + FS + Cust.Pac into the phone.


    31. While connecting via TP, the software allows to remove the TP and hangs. Why does it happen?

    This type of errors is caused by the previous modification of the TP-adapter for operation with Siemens E-Gold platform – a 150 pF capacitor was soldered into the needle holding shell of the TP-adapter to stabilize operation with this platform. However, in this case the capacitor is an obstruction of proper operation by causing such errors. Thus, the problem can be solved by removing of the above mentioned capacitor, but after such an upgrade the DB operation with E-Gold platform will become unstable.

    Figure 6
    Figure 6


    32. Why does W200 unlock process via TestPoint sometimes hangs at TP №1?

    To solve this problem, please perform the following steps:

    1. Insert the SIM card of the locking service provider into the phone and turn it on.
    2. Reset all phone settings through the menu.
    3. Replace the default theme for another theme and/or create a new contact in the phone book.

    After these operations, please, repeat the Security Bypass procedure in TestPoint mode.


    33. How to correct the error?

    • Stage 2 start.
    • Timeout detected.
    • Error: Failed.

    The error happens because the user disconnects the TP needle from the TP too soon, before the message:

    Hint: Now the probe might be disconnected appears in the dialogue box.

    The other cause resulting in such a failure is the unstable contact of the TP needle with the TP (connection failed).


    34. How to repair GDFS?

    1. Select the required model from the list.
    2. Choose Test Point access mode. If the Security Bypass procedure was previously performed with this phone, please refer to the Step 5.
    3. Log to the Security tab.
    4. Perform Security Bypass operation.
    5. Choose Security Bypass access mode.
    6. If the phone's malfunction is caused by an unknown reason, it is recommended to flash the handset with the Full Flash file. Otherwise, if it's clearly defined that the GDFS zone is corrupted, please flash the phone with the GDFS file.
    7. Perform "Unlock And Repair GDFS Security Blocks" (Misc. tab).
    8. Flash the phone with the Main + FS + Custpac flash files.

    If the specified above procedure doesn't help to repair the phone, there can be 2 reasons for that:

    1. Hardware failure as a consequence of dropping, fluid damage, factory defect.
    2. Wrong model selected. There is a possibility that the PCB doesn't correspond to the model indicated on the housing of the phone (a housing of K800 contains a K790 PCB, a W580 housing – contains a S500 PCB etc).


    F.A.Q DreamBox #2

    11. I can't unlock E-Gold phones via testpoint, what is the problem?

    Please read troubleshooting section.


    12. I have performed the TestPoint procedure for Sony Ericsson handset. Do I need to perform the TP connection again for that specific phone?

    The TestPoint access mode has to be performed when the phone is connected for the first time. All future connections for the same phone have to be performed using "Security Bypass" access mode.


    13. How to upgrade DreamBox Plus to DreamBox SE?

    In order to get DreamBox Plus upgraded to the DreamBox SE please enter the activation code to the DBSS and within one hour perform box firmware update process. For more information please check How To section.


    14. Executing of "Security Bypass" operations failed at the Stage 2. Do I have to repeat the process from the beginning?

    It may happen that during the "Stage 2" of executing ""Security Bypass" the operation fails to complete. In this case please repeat the process for the "Stage 2" only. Unmark the option "Stage 1" and perform the process again.



    15. At the moment in the GSM market there are 2 DreamBox hardware types: the old and the new. How can a user define the hardware type of his DB?

    It is pretty simple. Please take a look at the device's USB connector: connector Type А indicates the older version, while connector Type В � the new one.

    USB Type
    Figure 1


    16. What is the functional difference between the DB with the new hardware type and the old one?

    Devices with the old type hardware do not support automated indication of the TP needle contact with the Testpoint (TP), i.e. the software will not produce any visual/audio signal when you touch the TP with the needle. Therefore, while working with the old type hardware DB, you will have to touch the TP and press "Start" button while holding the TP needle until the program prompts to remove it (Figure 2.)

    Figure 2
    Figure 2


    17. Which advantages are offered with the new hardware type?

    To enable the program to work automatically, the user should tick the Testpoint Autostart option of the Sony Ericsson tab in program settings or Autostart option in TP dialog box (Figure 3).

    Working with the new hardware type, the user just has to touch the corresponding TP on the flash memory chip. The connection of the needle with the TP launches the automated detection procedure, indicated by audio signal and TP connection indicator becoming green (Figure.3). Then it is important to hold the stable connection between the needle and the TP (usually for 3-5 sec), untill the software informs with a short audio signal (beep) and a message in the dialog box allowing to remove the needle from the TP.

    Figure 3
    Figure 3


    18. How to choose the right TP schematic among the numerous variants?

    The TP schematics show flash memory chip's leads and the TestPoints located there. However � there are alternative TPs for the same model (TP1 or TP2). These alternative TPs help the user to skip the access under the chip, allowing him simply to touch certain chip's substrate lead with the needle. To avoid misunderstanding, please perform the following steps:

    1. Define which type of the flash memory chip is on the PCB, as there are three types of DB2020 platform chips: Intel_5060M0Y0B0, Intel_5060M0Y0BE, and ST_M39P0R907.
    2. Define which type of substrate is under this flash memory chip (every type of the flash memory chip mentioned above has two types of substrate produced by different factories); in order to do this the user has to compare the TP pictures with the chip appearance using a microscope.
    3. Select the indicated substrate lead and touch it with the needle according to the DBSS instructions.
    4. It is also preferable to upgrade the TP adapter by replacing the standard needle (default solution) with a thinner one, e.g., beadwork needle. For hard-to-access TPs (e.g., in W710 or Z710 models) please, use a special TP needle with a bent end. Such a needle is absolutely necessary when the chip is tightly adjacent to the protective shield that must not be removed, or there is a component located very closely to the chip and therefore may be damaged with a straight needle.


    19. What will happen if I mistakenly touch the wrong TP?

    In this situation neither the phone nor the DB are in danger, except for the cases when the user touches simultaneously the TP and a component (meaning the mounting lead of the component), responsible for power supply in the phone (capacitor, resistor etc.). This way the TP, i.e. the flash memory chip, may be shorted or exposed to a voltage surge. In the latter case the chip, phone's processor or the shorted component may get burnt.

    In order to avoid the above mentioned problems, we recommend to replace the TP needle with a thinner one (see Answer 18.4 above)


    20. Why the TP connection indicator is always green?

    Most probably, the TP connect sensitivity is set to 100%. Sensitivity slider should be placed at around 70-80%, the optimum position is 70% (Figure 4).

    Figure 4
    Figure 4

    Also, such a failure may be caused by a defective or damaged TP-adapter v. 2.0 (i.e. TP- adapters with logic control inside). To solve the problem, the user should disassemble TP-adapter and make sure that PCB components are properly mounted; it is desirable to solder these components once more, paying special attention to U1 component (Figure 5).

    Figure 5
    Figure 5

    F.A.Q DreamBox #1

    1. Does DreamBox has to be activated?

    Yes. You can activate it at our site www.dreambox.hk in DOWNLOAD section. (Please read Getting Started)


    2. How do I know the firmware version or serial number of my DreamBox?

    1. Download our software (DreamBox Service Software ) and install it.
    2. Connect your box to PC
    3. Select Hardware->DreamBox->Read Box Info from main menu


    3. Do I have to configure my USB ports for DreamBox usage?

    No. You should install drivers only.


    4. How do I activate or update my DreamBox?

    Visit our website and choose DreamBox Firmware Update from Downloads section.


    5. What do I do in case of box update problems?

    See Troubleshooting


    6. Power indicator blinks red. What does it mean?

    It's means that some action wasn't finished successfully.
    (See Troubleshooting)


    7. Can I use my DreamBox as a standalone device, or it has to be used with PC only?

    You can use DreamBox only with PC.


    8. What software supports DreamBox interface and where to download it?

    DreamBox Service Software (DBSS). You can download it at our website www.dreambox.hk in Downloads section.


    9. What flash file formats are supported by DreamBox and where do I find them?

    DreamBox Service Software (DBSS) supports all available formats of flash files for Sony Ericsson (*.ssw, *.mbn, *.fbn, *.dtf formats and customization packs in *.dta and *.zip formats) and Siemens phones (*.bin, WinSwup tools & Update tools *.exe, *.dtf and *.xfs formats). Flash files created by DreamBox developers are available at DREAMBOX section of www.boot-loader.com.


    10. Does DreamBox Update requires using of any specific web browser?

    DreamBox updates performed directly form DBSS. No specific browsers or clients are required in this case. For more information please check the update manual.

    DreamBox 500T (Terrestrial Receiver)

    DreamBox 500T (Terrestrial Receiver)

    DreamBox 500T (Terrestrial Receiver)
    [Clik to enlarge]
    Product ID: DM500T
    Original Price: $300
    Special price: $209
    wholesale price pls E-mail us
    DreamBox 500T Description:

    Powerful satellite receiver for digital TV and Radio programs. Main features are a 250 MHz IBM PowerPC (350 Mips).
    Linux OP, the AMG6688 supports the Standard Linux API
    (DirectFB, Linux-FB, LIRC)
    Attention: This receiver can share card with IP, record with your pc and so much more!

    1)250 MHz IBM PowerPC Processor (350 Mips)
    2) Linux Operating System
    3)1 x Smartcard-Reader
    4) MPEG2 Hardware decoding
    5)100Mbit full duplex Ethernet Interface
    6)2 LED status
    7) Unlimited channel lists for TV/Radio
    8) channel-change time < 1 second
    9) Full automatic service scan
    10) Supports directly bouquet-lists (indirect unlimited)
    11) Supports EPG (electronic program guide)
    12) Supports multiple LNB-Switching control (supports DiSEqC)
    13) Fully adaptable OSD in many languages (skin-support)
    14) SPDI/F Interface for digital bit stream out (AC-3 / DTS)
    15)1 x Scart-interfaces (fully controlled by software)

    DreamBox 500T technical data:

    Frequency Range 950 .... 2150 MHz
    Signal Level - 65 dBm .... - 25 dBm
    Signal-to-Noise Level 12 dB max.
    DBS-Tuner Input Connector F-Type female
    Input Impedance 75 Ohm
    AFC +/- 3 MHz
    Demodulation Shaped QPSK
    Input Symbol rate 2 .... 45 Mbaud/s, SCPC / MCPC
    FEC Viterbi and Reed-Solomon
    Viterbirate 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, automatic assimilation
    Roll-off Factor 35 %
    Demultiplexing according ISO 13818-1
    Video decoder:
    Video Compression MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 compatible
    Video Standard PAL G/ 25 Hz
    Video Formats 4:3 / 16:9
    Footage 16:9, automatic assimilation for 16:9 TV-Device (over Scart)
    Letterbox precolating for 4:3 TV-Device
    Audio decoder:
    Audiokompression MPEG-1 & MPEG-2 Layer I and II
    Audio Mode Dual (main/sub), Stereo
    Frequency: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 16 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 24 kHz
    Output analog:
    Output Level L/R 0,5 Vss on 600 Ohm
    THD > 60 dB (1 kHz)
    Crosstalk < -65 dB
    Output digital:
    Output Level 0,5 Vss on 75 Ohm
    Sampled Data Filtering 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz
    S/PDIF-Output optical (AC3)
    Video parameter:
    Input Level FBAS 1 Vss +/- 0.3 dB on 75 Ohm
    Teletext filter in conformity with ETS 300 472 Standard

    Output: FBAS,RGB,S-VHS over OSD selectable
    Serielle Interface RS 232:
    Typ RS232 bidirectional
    Bit rate 115,2 kBit/s max.
    Plug Connector SUB-D-9
    Function Update of Firmware and Preprogramming
    100 MBit compatible, bi-direktional interfaces
    Function Update of Firmware and Preprogramming
    LNB Power and polarisation:
    LNB Current 500mA max. ; short-circuit-proof
    LNB Voltage vertical < 14V without load, > 11,5V at 400mA
    LNB Voltage horizontal < 20V without load, > 17,3V at 400mA
    LNB shut-off at Standby-Mode
    Count of active satellite position:
    DiSEqC - Rotor Control
    Power consumption:
    < 10W / 12V
    Input voltage:
    DC12V,alternating acurrent +/- 15%
    Extern power supply:
    110-240V AC / 50-60Hz / 0,6A
    12V = / 1A
    Ambient Temperature +15°Cxxxxx+35°C
    Humidity < 80%