6 newbie questions

I just received a s/h 7000S and firt got it going with a bit of telephone help (the seller had the network thingy password protected). The seller kindly sent me a USB stick with it, loaded with the latest Gemini (4.4?) and a Dreambox image. I have DreamboxEdit on my laptop.

This is my first Dreambox and is so different from my previous boxes (Echostar, Topfield) that I really need a bit of help. I am a quick learner so I hope I don't need to pester you all that often..

My first questions:

1) When I first started up my s/h 7000S on Wednesday, it booted on the Dreambox image, not the Gemini (didn't have time to grab the remote control). I configured my motor with VBox II and all my satellites in the Dreambox image. When I booted up using the Gemini image today I didn't have any satellites etc. I've now got all my channels on it thanks to DreamBoxEdit but it's a) not recognising my "devilish" cam and b) it's not moving the dish because I have to install all the sats again.
So is there any way of transferring my satellite settings / rotor position numbers etc. from the Dreambox image to the Gemini image, because I rather like the look of the black Gemini screens.

2) Is there a better kind of EPG - a plug in or something (a bit like the TAPs for Topfields)? Standard EPG on my Topfield was great - I could scroll left and right through the channel list on 28.2 East and it'd show me the current TV picture at top right, the EPG of the next few channels on the left, more detailled info at bottom right and the frequency and polarity of the channel at the bottom. The Dreambox usually just says "No program info avail" except on very few channels (even those which DO have EPG) and I seem to have to be on that channel to see the info.

3) When I set new satellites, download channels form favourites (bouquets) - is this info stored in the Dreambox or on the stick ?

4) If I remove the stick for any reason, do I lose all my information ?

5) I am currently using DreamboxEdit and my laptop using a cross-wired ethernet cable but am planning on using a 20m cable to attach the Db to my router (it's that far away). Trolling through several postings here, some say you need a straight wired cable, others say you possibly need a cross-wired. My router is a Netopia 3357NWG and 20m (66 ft) cables are a bit dear over here (I was just quoted the equiv. of £20 for a 20m cross-wired cable inc postage), so can anyone confirm what sort of cable I need? straight or crossed ?

6) My 7000 only has one USB socket. Would it be possible to insert a USB hub and have, say, the flash stick in one hub socket and a wireless stick in another ? Would that work ?

7) Is there any way either in the All Services or Bouquets list that I can make the Dreambox show me the frequency of the channels as I run down them? When I download new channels (e.g. the currently FTA channels on 5 East) I want to add them to my Sirius bouquet quickly but when I see 8x Discovery Channels on Sirius (5.0 is displayed at bottom right but that's all), I can't see which frequencies they are and so tend to add the wrong ones. Knowing which frequencies I just downloaded would be a great help. (I know I could download the list to my laptop using and do it there, but it'd be a lot of time just to move 3 or 4 channels)

Thankyou for any help anyone can give and I hope to be able to help other people once I get a bit more experience with the Dreambox.